About PhotEx
Tailoring the web application
The following features are all controlled by parameters
- The names and descriptions of the various media in the exhibition(e.g. Monochrome Print, Colour Print, PDI)
- The names and descriptions of the various classes (or sections) in each medium (e.g. Open, Travel, Nature)
- The fees for entering the exhibition, each medium, each class, each image
- The fees for paying by non-sterling cheque
- The fees for returning prints
- Optional - ask if the entrant is a member of the organisation running the exhibition*
- Optional - ask for a membership number*
- Optional - ask if the entrant will be below a certain age when the exhibition is judged*
- Optional - ask is an entry meets certain criteria (e.g. is an authentic wildlife image in a Nature class)
- The exhibition title and logo
- The email address for queries and the address to send prints
- The background colour and layout of the page (limited options)
- The language used on the web pages (English, French, German, Spanish)
- Optional - ask if the entrant wants you to forward their images to another exhibition
- Optional - ask if the entrant wants more details about the organisation
* Items marked can be used to affect the entry fee and can be used to select entries during the judging process
For club exhibitions you can also specify
- Optional - ask the entrant for a postal address
- Optional - ask the entrant for their club affiliation
Gathering exhibition entries
The identifiers for print entries (which are printed on labels) are allocated when the prints are unpacked and registered. You can choose the sequence in which these identifiers are allocated so that prints may be kept in the order you find most convenient.
PhotEx Components